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House Break-in, Labour Fell from Building & Two Sr. Residents Expired

|| Suraksha Update 26 Jan 2022 ||

Dear Residents

Following are the calls received and handled by Suraksha and DEDL Security.

  • Labour Fell from height at Construction site at Casia Marg. He was taken to UMA SANJEEVNI but after initial treatment he was referred to a Hospital
  • Sr. Resident House Break-in was done in L-Block, QRT and Police was Called in. Suraksha team also reached. The Intruder was not found, a Guard was Posted around the house to comfort the Sr. Residents.
  • Two of our senior residents Expired ( M-block & Cassia Marg). One was aged 93+, She was not well. Other Expired in Hospital

We would like to request all residents again to get CCTV Installed at your home to monitor the activity around your home. It is next to impossible to deploy a guard in each lane.
